Unlock the Potential of Smartphone Recycling
Discover Expert Grading Advice to Optimize your company's Recycling Strategy
- Learn about cosmetic grade definitions and surface area definitions to accurately classify device imperfections
- Explore defect definitions and surface defect grading scales for a comprehensive understanding of device condition
- Uncover the importance of data erasure for enterprises and how it ensures data security during the recycling process
- Get insights into label configuration and its significance in the grading and categorization of recycled devices

Download Our White Paper Now and Boost Your Company's Recycling ROI

Understand the different test lists and grading criteria used for refurbishing smartphones

Learn about the various grades of refurbished devices and how they affect pricing and quality

Gain insights into grading methodologies and techniques to accurately assess device condition

Discover best practices for evaluating battery configuration in iOS devices during the grading process