Blackbelt is 60 times bigger now than it was 10 years ago. The reason for our success is simple: it's down to the quality of the software we develop.
Product excellence is not accidental. It emerges from deliberate intentions based on customer feedback. From dedicated effort, good decision-making, and skilful execution. From making the best choices when faced with multiple alternatives.
In the world of e-tech recycling software, like in Formula 1 or the IndyCar Series, everyone starts with the same specs, but it's how you assemble the parts that makes you a winner.
Harby Garchay, CEO Blackbelt360
Blackbelt360 was established in 2004. We provide software solutions to retailers, resellers and supply chain services who refurbish and resell smartphones, tablets and computers.
Our software supports data handling and security, device diagnostics, trade-in and retail processing across a variety of industries.
Data Erasure
Wireless Apps
Call Centre Online Support
Robotics & Automation
Seamless Integrated Solutions
Our purpose, as a software powerhouse is to bring innovation to life through our seamlessly integrated solutions.
Everything we do revolves around adding value to our customers. We strive to help them streamline processes, increase efficiency, and maximise profits while decreasing global e-waste.